Monday 2 December 2013


Last Thursday was thanksgiving in America which is always a great time to reflect on what I'm grateful for this year. So here is my list of 24 things I am thankful for this year.

1) Parents who are not only great parents but also great friends.

2) To live close enough to home that I can see my family often.
3) Fantastic siblings.

Check out that old photo .. Better not forget Lukie babes who appeared 10 years later.

This year I'm super grateful for all my friends, but there are a few that have been absolutely amazing and really supportive this year who I am particularly thankful for.

4) Living with Lisa. I love how we've become close. She's been amazingly through a lot of excitement, tears, stress, and awful snapchats.

5) My 'foreign' friends Megan, Ronja, and Noelia. For not letting hundreds or even thousands of miles affect our friendship.

6) Skype and FaceTime for making the above possible.

7) Ali and our monthly 'dates'.

8) The Ryanair girlies who never fail to make me laugh.

9) To get to know more about my Grandad through his army records and stories from my Aunt. He passed away before I was born so this was amazing.

10) That I've managed to get through the year with only 1 sickness and 1 ear infection. (Touch wood I last the final 4 weeks).

11) My time at Ryanair and all the experiences I had there both good and bad.

12) Getting a new job I really enjoy and working with some new wonderful dollies and flight crew.

13) OU financial aid and grant
14) To be able to earn enough to support myself.
15) The chance to resit my math exam despite the fact that I failed again.
16) Really cheap rent
17) The ability to get time off work easily for exams and weddings.
18) Beautiful sunsets

19) Holidays!! Skiing, Palma, and Malta.

20) That none of my plane crash dreams have come true.
21) That I've been more relaxed and happy this year.
22) This year I have really started to recognise lots of good things about myself ... It's nice to feel more confident.
23) My new car.
24) The wonderful weather we've had. A few hot weeks in the summer where I got an actual tan, and a mild winter so far.

About this time last year I found this ...

... And I decided that it was going to be my motto for 2013. Since I don't make resolutions really I thought that instead I would just make sure I check each of these things off and fill my life with fabulous things. I'm thankful that this year there have been soooo many fabulous things in my life, it's been a pretty good year.