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As I was boarding the plane in STN. |
I feel like I've changed the lyrics to 'The 12 days of Christmas' ... Well for the first 5 days anyways!!
I absolutely LOVED my trip to Germany, however there were a few tiny things that certainly made the trip eventful. I'm not bad luck ... Honest!!
I was going out to Germany to see my friend Ronja, who I roomed with for a semester at BYU. Some great German Christmas Markets and snow was also a great Christmas activity so imagine my excitement when it started snowing at Stansted as we were boarding the plane. However, I forgot that the UK are rubbish when it comes to snow and 30 minutes later, with 1cm of snow on the ground, the airport closed ... We were grounded, and they cancelled all flights going out that morning. :(
The line for the ticket desk literally was as long as the airport and after standing there for half hour without moving I tried to reschedule my flight online .... To be told there was nothing available until Friday (I was coming home on Saturday). I hadn't seen Ronja in almost 2 years and I wasn't about to give up my holiday that easily and waste all the money I had already spent, so next stop ... Easyjet!! Luckily they had 1 seat left on the Bristol to Berlin flight and I had 6 hours to race across the country to go and catch it. Easy!! Until I got on the motorway and hit a car park. It took an hour to go 2 junctions to the M25, by which time I was praying that the M25 and M4 were clear. All I needed was to be able to go the speed limit and I knew I'd make my flight. First bit of good all day ... The other 2 motorways were clear and I even had time to spare.
12 hours later, 3 airports, and 2 planes and I was finally in Berlin Schonefeld.
Ronja lives about 2 hours from Berlin, and so the next day we decided to drive in and see the sights. Eventful incident number 2 .... The motor warning light came on!! Having had a car die not long after this same light came on, you can imagine my anxiety as we pulled over and called Hertz to try and find out what we should do. They said it was either nothing or the car was about to blow, but since there was no smoke, and the steering was fine, they told us to carry on to Berlin and stop at the Berlin Tegal Airport to switch out cars. To be fair Hertz were really good, I literally handed back the keys, they gave me a new set of keys and we were on our way again.
Brandenburg Gate |
Berlin has bears all over the city ... I found 2. |
Checkpoint Charlie |
Brandenburg Gate at night. |
Me, Ronja, and the Chocolate Room. |
Leipzig Christmas Market. |
Ronja then took me to the top of one of the tallest buildings in Leipzig where you could have panoramic views of the city. It looked so magical at night with all the city lights. Unfortunately my camera decided to spas out and took blurry shots, but it was breathtaking.
Quedlinburg. |
We didn't have very much time before I needed to be back to go to the airport, and it was pretty perfect timing really. I totally hadn't really left enough time thinking that Leipzig airport would be a bit like a shed ... How wrong was I. It was actually pretty big for a regional airport - bigger than Bristol - and they were just starting to board by the time I got to the Gate... And I didn't even go to any last minute shops.
Because I had driven to Bristol on Wednesday, it meant I had to catch the train home on Saturday from Stansted. We had landed early and my train from Paddington wasn't due to leave for another 2 hours so I managed to change the time so I got back to Bristol in time to get at least a few hours sleep before I had to be up the next morning for work ... Needless to say that it was a very long day!!
Despite all the mishaps at the beginning of the holiday, I had such a fabulous time in Germany and it was so good to see Ronja again and have a proper catch up ... It felt just like old times when we were living together. Well worth the trip!!
Just as I was trying to convince myself that I really wasn't bad luck my first shift back at work on Sunday and we got diverted. Fantastic!! We were trying to get into Warsaw Modlin and got diverted to the proper Warsaw airport due to bad weather, low cloud, and mist. After waiting around for a while we then tried to go back to Modlin to pick up our passengers for our return flight but couldn't get in again. Really wasn't having much luck with flights last week that's for sure. We ended up flying back to Bristol empty which is bad because we don't get flight pay for empty flights, but was really good because it meant I managed to get a Sunday nap in. And waiting for me when I got home from work .... Dinner!! I really do have great housemates.
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