Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Plodding along!!

I'm staying in Bristol. Yay!! I didn't get the transfer I requested due to no spaces in the bases I asked for, so I get to stay. It's going to be so weird at work now with half the people gone. A lot have gone to sunny places like Malta, Palma and Tenerife and I'm not going to lie, I have a little bit of jealousy that I'm not living somewhere hot and sunny. Then practical Kiri reminds me why I didn't request a transfer to Tenerife.

Sometimes I hate practical Kiri!!

Skiing was good. I only went for 2 days and what I really wanted was to get some confidence back. The weather was great and there was lots of fresh snow. Since French holidays weren't for another week it was quiet too. I got back out on the blues and was feeling a lot better about skiing by the end of the holiday. Give me another day and I might of let my brothers take me on a red. Something for next year maybe.

In other news I've turned 24 since I last blogged!! I'm not sure how I feel about that. However one thing it made me realise was that I needed to write down my list. The list is something I've had in my head since I turned 20 and is full of things I want to do before I'm 30. There are 30 things ... Some serious, some fun, and since some have been crossed off already I though now is a good time to physically have it written down instead of in my forgetful mind.

I love baking and since moving into this house I hadn't whipped up any cakes or brownies or anything. In the past few weeks that has changed. I've started to replace some of my equipment with nicer things and dusted off the recipe books. It's been all things creme eggs, much to my colleagues joy when I bring them to work. The creme egg cupcakes got met with comments that I should open a cupcake store. :) whilst I'm not thinking of anything like that I am thinking that I may start selling cupcakes and birthday cakes if people are requesting them. ... Just a thought!!!

Open university is a drag. I have zero motivation to study or do my assignment and feel like I'm drowning in everything that need to be done. I'm also a really good procrastinater. But what's new ... I've just summed up what I was like at BYU aswell. Sometimes I miss the days where I was a great student and required perfection from my school work.

So yes ... Life is plodding along as usual!!!

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