Saturday 15 January 2011

A brand new year!!

Can you believe that it is a new year already?? I can't get over how fast 2010 seemed to fly by, it just seems like yesterday that I was moving from Stansted back home, or even moving from BYU back to England.

You can't go into the new year without starting to change at least one part of your life. I'm not a big one for resolutions, but I have made a few small goals that will improve my life. Nothing major and unrealistic like giving up chocolate. My biggest "resolution" is to find ONE good thing about myself every day. I am FANTASTIC at finding all the negatives about myself, so this is a way to start building my self-confidence a bit.

Other than that I am planning to implement a major change in my life this year . . . I am going back to University!! Whenever I say this to someone they ask if I'm going back to America, and whilst I wish I could, I just can't afford it, and it doesn't seem right anyway. I have just put my application in for 4 universities in England: Bath Spa University (which are going to consider my application as a 2nd year student), University of Gloucestershire, St Mary University College Twickenham London, and the University of Plymouth. I am really excited to be going back to get my degree, and then I plan to get my PGCE in Primary Education. I am slightly worried though because I know that the University structure etc here is so different to America, and I haven't had to study for like 2 years, my free time is free time right now and I just hope that I can adapt back to University life. I think the past 2 years out of Uni has really helped though because I've been able to recognize previous mistakes and I have the determination to do better and to work harder this time. I've done the whole typical student lifestyle and this time I'm going to be more serious.

Christmas was really good this year, it was so much fun watching Lucas enjoying Christmas, he is just at the right age. He was so cute when he came in to wake me up Christmas morning. He just leaned right in  and whispered "Kiri . . . It's me, it's Lucas. Kiri Santa came and gave me presents, and he came to you too. You must of been a good girl this year. Come on Kiri, wake up, let's go open our presents" It was the cutest thing. It was so good to be able to spend time with the whole family, and just relax. I wasn't too well over Christmas and so I even enjoyed a Christmas Day nap while everyone else was playing in the snow. It was great that we had a TON of snow leading up to Christmas, it made it feel so magical.

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