Thursday 18 August 2011

Massive update time.

I couldn't believe that I haven't updated since February, I'm clearly as rubbish at updating my blog as I am at doing DIY (Yes, I am unsure how that analogy came about too!!).

Well in March, me, Grace, and Rachel all moved into THE most gorgeous house. It literally ticked all the boxes. It's perfect. Lovely large Victorian house overlooking the park, with a large lounge, dining room, Kitchen diner, and 4  bedrooms (mine is the huge attic room). It's amazing. I love how it has also become a massive YSA hub, everyone just invites themselves round, and socialize here. It's great!! I love coming home from work at midnight to a house full of YSA. I have also loved being able to just cross the road and be in the park, amazing on really sunny days and perfect for chilling out with a good book. The downside to the house being that the landlord has sold it, and we move out in approximately 3 weeks. . . We have yet to find another house as nothing meets our standards/will fit all our furniture. . . Me thinks we've been spoilt.

In April I went on holiday with Mum and Dad to the house in France which was amazing. It was nice to get away and just relax and the weather was perfect . . . Between 22 and 25 everyday. We went canoeing where I almost killed Dad on the rapids with my canoe, went to the ice-cream place on the quay, and generally just relaxed and had a good time. When we got back to England, me and Dad went to get the chinese (and to fill my car up with fuel). My car however decided not to like this and practically blew up (think smoke coming from the bonnet and no power up the hills). So we stopped and called the AA, and later found out that the head gasket blew (there was no oil, or water . . . I think it was dehydrated lol) and I waved goodbye to my trusty Corsa, who certainly dies before it's time. I then went out and bought a little Ford Ka, which is only 3 years old and I love to pieces.

In May we had Bristol Convention, which was really amazing. I met tons of new people and had such a great time. Me, Rach, and Grace dressed up for the 60s/70s/80s dance, we had a great time at the zoo, and I spent most of Sunday and Monday with the Danish guys who had rented a lamborghini (which was amazing to ride in) Overall, a great weekend!!

By the time July rolled around, I was in need of a holiday. I had spent pretty much the whole of May and June working 7 days a week. I ended up jetting off to Malta for the weekend for a bit of sun, and to visit a friend who now lives there. It was SCORCHING hot. About 33-35 everyday and even baking at night. It was really nice just to sit on the beach and bake, and relax, and top up my tan.

Also in July was Steph and Sam's wedding. Me and Rachel admittedly left the house a little late but gathered that since we only got there 5 minutes late we were still earlier than the bride. So you can imagine our surprise when we walked into the chapel (none too quietly), and sat down to realize that Steph had not only arrived, but had walked down the aisle 10 minutes earlier. . . Oops. We did however, make use of the gorgeous fascinators that we had bought about the time of the Royal Wedding. . . Don't we look pretty!!

I also came down with tonsillitis and an ear infection :( My ears had been a normal kind of blocked for a few weeks, and I knew I had a sore throat so when one day at work I was in complete agony and couldn't hear or clear my ears, and was (trying) to shout at the passengers, because I should speak I decided  it was time to visit a doctor. I was however a bit surprised that it was that bad and was ordered not to fly for the rest of the week. A prescription of Penicillin and a call to crew control and I was then off for 6 days. I didn't know what to do with myself. I cleaned, I cooked, and I socialized like crazy. On the Monday I went back to the Doctors who threatened to sign me off for another week. I ended up persuading him to only give me 2 more days off work as a) I could already feel an improvement and b) I was dying to go back to work. The one good thing about it all . . . Because you have to take penicillin 4 times a day on a empty stomach (2 hours after food or 1 hour before) I managed to lose quite a bit of weight. Well there has to be a plus side to being ill.

In August I was in charge of organizing the Thursday night activity and decided to have a Photo Scavenger Hunt in Bristol City Centre. It turned out to be a really awesome activity with much laughter. This is my team's picture on the escalators in House of Fraser. We split off into about 4 teams and had just over an hour to complete about 22 things on the list. After much laughter, and silliness, everyone ended up coming back to my place where we put on a movie, cooked up some food, and uploaded all the photos to laugh, point, judge, and load up to facebook.

We have now started the house hunt for our new abode starting with a funny viewing this morning. We arrived at the house and were stood in the rain for ages while the man was over 10 minutes late. He then can't get the key in the door and rang the office to only establish that he wasn't pushing hard enough. He then opens the door and the alarm goes off (and he doesn't know the code). We then proceed to look around this property with the alarm blaring away. lol. We have another 2 viewings with him tomorrow!!

So last year I was considering applying for British Airways but felt that it wasn't right at the time. Maybe I should of followed that feeling. This year, not only did I apply to BA, but also to Virgin Atlantic as Cabin Crew. 2 Mondays in a row and I was making my way up to London for first the Virgin interview, and then the BA one. I didn't get either. Virgin said no, and BA required my arms to be longer. lol. I could reach their bar that was up at 6'7" but could twist my hand so my knuckles were facing the wall without going on tip-toe. I was sent home straight away :( Whilst I am gutted my dream of long haul isn't going to come true any time soon I should feel lucky that I at least have a job, and I did spend a great few days visiting my brother in London.

As far as university in concerned, I decided to go and do Open University instead. It just felt so right. I have also managed to transfer about half a years of credits from BYU which is good news. I however, have been declined financial aid which will make it unaffordable. I'm still trying to think  of a solution/make a decision over it all.

Well I think that's all for now!!

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