Tuesday 22 November 2011

Quick update & Thanksgiving!!

It's amazing how time just flies by so fast. I can't believe it's less than 5 weeks until Christmas . . . Craziness!!
Grace and Lisa

Grace and Ali

At the end of September a group of the YSA went camping for the weekend. In true glamping style I went up for the day and met them in Bath, had fun around the bonfire, toasted marshmallows, and went back home to sleep in my own bed when everyone else settled down for the night.
The boys

Treasure Chest Cake
I worked out that I am turning into my mother . . . How you ask!! I recently made this treasure chest cake. The whole time I was making it I kept saying how bad it looked and how unhappy I was with it. As my housemates were reassuring me, I realised that I was turning into what my Mum is like when she bakes cakes . . . We both can't see how amazing the creations are. It's taken me a long time to be happy with how this cake looks . . . Pretty good huh?? 

I absolutely loved the heat wave we had at the beginning of October. For a few days the temperature soared and was around 26 degrees, even hitting 30 in some parts of the UK. As I had already packed away my summer clothes I had to dig them out again, but adored sitting out in the park catching some last summer rays.

Recently I haven't had much bad luck at work. I had almost forgotten what it was like. So we were coming back from Lanzarote last wednesday when the captain called saying we were going to have some trouble getting into Bristol due to fog. Well after holding above Bristol for quite a while we ended up diverting to Birmingham. We were then told that we were leaving the aircraft in Birmingham and catching a taxi to Bristol. We never walk through the terminal in Bristol so as we were walking through birmingham airport it almost felt like I was a 'proper' flight attendant, this image from Catch me if you can popped into my head . . . Is it wrong that I really liked everyone looking at me and feeling so glamorous??

I know thanksgiving isn't until Thursday, but we are all busy on Thursday so we had a few friends round and had our Thanksgiving meal last night instead. I love having people round for dinner. I love everyone all helping to pull a big dinner together, socialising, washing up together, and crashing on the coach afterwards. I loved Thanksgiving while I was in America, I loved having a day where we think about what we are thankful for in the last year . . . I know I don't do it enough. I also love a day where there is Pumpkin Pie. lol. So here are 22 things that I am thankful for this year (In no particular order).
  1. A job that I enjoy.
  2. My family . . . They are awesome.
  3. My housemates and the atmosphere we have in our house.
  4. My car . . . Having one die and not having one for a few days made me realise how much I rely on one. 
  5. Great friends.
  6. Getting a Ryanair contract. 
  7. Getting in OU and having BYU credit count.
  8. Being financially able to support myself at OU.
  9. Not getting the BA and Virgin job . . . The experience of the interviews and applications helped me learn more about myself. 
  10. Joe . . . For giving me extra work when I've needed it. 
  11. Penicillin. 
  12. Living in a country free from war. 
  13. Lucas and his many amazing cuddles. 
  14. My house . . . I am so lucky to be able to live in this house. 
  15. Skype . . . I love skype and the chance it gives me to keep in touch with my American friends. 
  16. Ice-cream . . . I love it anyway, but it was one of the only things that could soothe my throat when I had tonsillitis. 
  17. The ability to be able to live so close to my family.
  18. The ability to be able to jet off to Malta for a couple of days . . . It was very much needed. 
  19. My time at BYU . . . For everything it taught me about myself . . . Good and bad.
  20. All the spontaneous times spent with my friends. 
  21. The many people that have helped us move twice this year. 
  22. My beliefs. 
Happy Thanksgiving!!

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