Thursday 5 January 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas was amazing this year. For starters . . . Every girls dream, I lost weight over the Christmas period, a whole 6lbs worth, courtesy of being unwell the week leading up to Christmas day. Success . . . I think so!!

This year I went home for Christmas. I got there for Christmas Eve where we had our Christmas Eve traditions of 1) Me being the wrapping elf and wrapping all of Mom's presents 2) Cinema . . . We went to watch Arther Christmas 3) Soup 4) Hanging out with the Clarksons 5) Placing 1 present from Mom and Dad under the tree :) I love our traditions, it's one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is all the traditions that we have in December.

Santa came  ...
Lucas woke me up on Christmas Day at the really early hour of 6:30am. I don't think he was too impressed when I told him to wake me up again when everyone was up. I guess I was a really good girl this year because I had a whole sack full of presents (James obviously wasn't as good as he had a lump of coal in his sack). I think my favorite present from Santa this year was cake tins, they made me very happy and hopefully will get used a lot. Laura had to work the night shift and then had to drive straight from Leicester . . . She arrived home at 10am. It was really nice to have the whole family home. Josh is going to be away next  year and with James and Cheryl getting married this was probably the last time we'll be all together for Christmas.

. . . And brought me lots of prezzies. 
This year we decided to have lunch before opening the presents from under the tree except for 1 which we opened before. Josh was master of the tree this year and the first (and biggest) present went to Laura. I opened my present form my siblings (a book and a box of chocolates - they know me well) and then we had a FANTASTIC lunch. Mom out did herself again this year. We then spent the rest of the afternoon opening the presents from under the tree. All my presents this year were awesome . . . I got so spoilt!!

Josh handing out the first Present
Present goes to Laura
Things to look forward to for 2012

As we go into the new year I was trying to think of all the things that I have to look forward to over the next 12 months.
1) My weekend away in Dublin at the beginning of February
2) Skiing . . . I haven't been able to go for 5 years now so I'm way excited
3) Possible trip to Italy. Me and Abi have been talking about it for years so hopefully we'll actually make it there this year
4) My friend is in the BYU singers and they are doing an England tour in April . . . I am way excited for him to come visit.
5) The olympics. What a once in a lifetime opportunity, I've got tickets for the Men's Semi-final Volleyball.


What would a new year be without SOME goals. I'm not a massive goal maker as I'm not very good at sticking to things. I also try not to making unrealistic goals like lose 20lbs, or give up chocolate or ice cream. But this year I have a few simple goals.
1) Take more pictures. I get so frustrated that I don't have more pictures of my friends/family and activities that we do.
2) Pass my OU module this year.
3) Find 1 thing each day that I'm thankful for, or one positive thing in each day and try and keep a record of them. I haven't started this yet so this one starts today.

Happy New Year!!!

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