Saturday 11 September 2010

Money, Money, Money, Moving!!

So lately everything has been happening all at one time for me, isn't that always the case. My car failed it's MOT which was not fun but thank goodness it didn't cost as much as I feared in order to fix it enough to get it to pass. . . . phew!!

On the other hand, the dentist hasn't been as nice to me . . . Was due to have a couple of fillings, and now I need a root canal (ouch!!) It's also going to cost like double (double ouch!!).

Great news though is that I'm moving!! I am sooo excited, I'm moving in with Grace Finlay and it's going to be sooo great. We're moving to Bedminster which means that it'll be so much easier to have a church social life, and so much easier to have a work social life as most of the crew live in Bedminster. This is the apartment. . . I am hyped!!

In other news we moved into our chapel last week and it's so great. It feels so good to have a room and a whiteboard to interact with the YW more. I know it should be the same where ever you are, but I always feel there is such a great spirit in a chapel. I loved teaching last Sunday. I'm also really enjoying my calling right now, Emma and Gill are great sisters to serve with. I'm going to be kinda sad to be leaving Taunton Ward!!

Tonight me and Laura are going to go watch this movie. It looks really funny and it'll be great to spend some sister time. We're also going to eat out before the movie which should be great.

I also want to watch 'The back up plan" another movie that also looks funny!!

I love Abi, she picked me up a couple of LDS novels from the bookstore. One was called "Brianna, my brother, and the blog" was hilarious. As was the book titled "AltAered plans". I love books and these 2 I read in 1 day. It felt so great to read a couple of great new LDS books and I love Abi for getting them so I didn't have to pay postage. lol.

Anyway, until next time!!

x x x

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