Friday 27 August 2010

The Lonely Hearts Club

This is a book that was recommended to me by Abi, Abi fell in love with it from one look at the cover, and I can't blame her, when she sent me the link, I decided that I couldn't wait for Abi to get home in a few weeks so I could borrow it, instead I ordered my own copy so I could read it sooner, I too, had fallen in love with the cover.
It has been longer than I could remember since I last bought a book for myself and I must say this was an excellent read. It only took a few hours to read and I found that I just couldn't put it down, it was so good that all thoughts of dinner, TV, facebook, and bed went completely out the window. So what made this book so great??? Well, the great thing about this book is the messages that are in it and it really was what I needed to hear/read right now.
1) You should not change yourself for any boy.
2) No matter how many times we think the world is full of boys who are jerks, there are actually some decent ones out there too.
3) You need to learn how to love yourself! Create, find & know your own identity. This is one that I really struggle with in my everyday life. There are times when it really hits me that I really do not know who I am.
4) There is nothing like a solid support group of friends. I am so grateful for all my amazing friends in my life. The ones that are there just to hear me rant, the ones that give me advice, the ones that are there for me no matter what, and the ones that are willing to eat a mountain of junk food and appreciate the greatness of Ben & Jerry's in the name of a girly night.

After such a success of buying and loving a book I decided to make use of Abi's closeness to the LDS bookstore to get me a few books, it was so hard to narrow the list down so that it didn't break the bank and it really made me miss the BYU library where I could go and read these books for free. However I managed to narrow down my list, and thanks to the first chapter that is posted on line, I've also got Abi hooked on some of them already. The 2 weeks she is going to be home is going to be filled with book exchanges, reading, and eating a mountain of junk food all in the name of a girly/Gilmore girls night.

My goal for the rest of the year is to try and get to know myself better, to try and get into some great habits, to try and see positives in myself instead of negatives, to try and develop a talent, to find a talent, and to enjoy the stage in my life.


  1. Kiri I love you and I am TOTALLY one of the friends that is 'willing to eat a mountain of junk food and appreciate the greatness of Ben & Jerry's' I love my double dates with those guys! Haha!
    I love that you loved the book and I love that you got the same things from it. Such amazing lessons! Here's to our 'Lonely Hearts club' Oooo I vote when we have our photo shoot with Emily that we recreate the front cover of a ton of different albums!! How cool would that be?!

  2. Haha good, because it was you I had in mind when I wrote that.

    I love our 'Lonely Hearts Club" and I think that's a great idea . . . when are we having our photo shoot with Emily?? Who else is coming??

    Love you too. x x
