Wednesday 4 August 2010

Haagen-Dazs sure likes to jump.

Last week I endured Young Women's camp, I had been dreading camp since I had been called into Young Women's but actually I was pleasantly surprised. I went pretty much straight from work, so was pretty tired, but it was great. Emma, bless her heart, had already set up the tent and everything when I got there which was really nice since I was so tired. Camp was so much fun, it was so great spending time with Emma, and the YSA leaders that were there. We had a lot of fun. Here are some of my highlights from camp: 

1) When shopping for food in Asda with Emma, we happened to walk past the Haagen-Dazs which was on offer for £2. It just happened that a tub of the chocolate cookie dough jumped into our trolley. And since we were camping, we had no freezer, so oh what a shame, we just had to eat the ice-cream. lol. The next day after the service project I came back and Emma had been to Asda to pick something up, and another tub happened to drop into the trolley again . . . Oh what a shame!! lol. 
2) My double airbed. It was so great being able to roll and not fall off an airbed, and with my sleeping bag, duvet, and blankets, I stayed toasty warm. I dislike camping, but if you have to camp you should do it in comfort. 

3) Emma telling the YW lies. Lol. It was so funny, she told the YW that me and Joe were married (he was our priesthood leader and we're cousins by the way). Joe then made it worst by saying we weren't married, we were engaged. My gosh the girls pounced on this, but it really was quite funny how the girls were so excited, and how Joe really needs to learn when to stop talking when it comes to YW lol. 

I had to leave camp early because I had to go back to work, but I was actually sad to leave and wished that I could of stayed for the whole of it, which shocked me no end. Sleeping outside is not my cup of tea lol. And the best part is that despite burning just a tad, my tan lines have improved again. The weather was just perfect which made a change to the past few weeks. 


  1. Hahaha I wish I could have been there (you realise how big a statement that is!) naturally to help you eat the ice cream, but also to see the girls excitement that you're engaged! Hahahaha

  2. It would of been so good to have you there, and there were so many YSA there anyway, we all congregated around Joe's tent. I also think they all met up with the male YSA from YM camp the night I left too. But naturally, the Ice-cream is the most important.
