I never knew I had soooo much stuff, seriously I had already piled up my boot and half of the back of the car and started piling it up in the hallway and just couldn't believe how many boxes I had stacked up. I came home from BYU with just 2 suitcases and that was it, now I think I would need like 20 suitcases to fit all my stuff in. Granted some of it is like bedding and Kitchen stuff which I've bought/accumulated while I was in Stansted, but still . . . We're taking my car and my parents people carrier, with the bed and wardrobe in there too I don't think we're going to be able to fit all my stuff in the 2 cars. Good job I'm back home next week to babysit because it means I can just pick stuff up then although saying that, choosing which boxes go up today will be hard because I'm pretty sure the TV, TV power cable, Ariel, and Remote are all in different boxes (whoops).

Well since I haven't finished packing yet I must go, I can sense that the next week is going to be claustrophobic, hectic, and frustrating as I move, work, unpack, and organize. I'll try and take some before, during, and after pictures of the move and post them up as soon as I have internet again (which will be goodness knows how long)
Kiri x x x
Woop woop! Sooo excited for it! LOVE Letters to Juliet!