Saturday 16 October 2010

Officially Moved in!!

So we officially moved in 12 days ago and we are loving our new apartment. I love the fact that I am a lot closer to work (came in handy when they called me off standby today) and I love the fact that I am closer to YSA stuff. It took a week or so until we were really organized in the apartment and everything is still not quite complete but at least it's livable instead of boxes everywhere.

Me and Mom were proper smart and put my bed up straight away and made up all the bedding. Smart because after hauling all my stuff upstairs (and some of Grace's) and a major move-in food shop, there is no way I would of had the energy to put up a bed. Once Grace was here, like typical girls we sorted out the Kitchen first, and was the first room where we had everything unpacked and organized. The lounge and Dining area had boxes in until like Sunday lol, but is now looking clean, tidy, and organized.

Have taken pre-organized pictures but I'm sure you can imagine a ton of boxes everywhere and a couch at a very odd angle in the middle of the room (with a pathway to it no less) but here are pictures of our flat :)

 Dining Room
 Kitchen . . . Do you like our Appliance corner??
Grace's Flowers . . . What a fancy vase!!

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