Saturday 2 October 2010

Ireland v. England

Don't you just hate it when all good things happen at once?? My collegue Emma and I were talking and she mentioned that British Airways have jobs opening for a new set of crew who are going to be "Mixed Fleet" this means that instead of being Long-haul crew or Short-haul crew, you're both. You can do the trips to Singapore, LA, and Rio de Janeiro. And you can also do the shorter Malaga, Oslo, and Glasgow. This is pretty much my ideal job, being able to mix being home at night after work, to doing the long-haul flights with stop overs in Cities I've never been to before, where I can really start to travel. Plus whilst the pay is slightly better than what I'm earning right now, the perks are HUGE. Applications close October 10th, and I'd be based in London  Heathrow which would mean moving out there, and probably spending a lot more on accommodation. 

On the other hand we have Ireland and good old Ryanair. This job has been a fantastic first job in the industry, they have worked me hard, I was able to transfer back home faster than I thought, and I have gained a lot of experience. I feel at home in the base, and even though the perks aren't as good as BA at least I know that the company is financially stable (also good to know in case another volcano goes off). I have great friends here in Bristol, and I'm just so excited to be moving into my new flat with Grace on Tuesday. The decision to move into the flat felt so right, I have no doubt that it is what I'm meant to be doing right now. So why oh why does BA have to tempt me now instead of 2 months ago. lol. I'm debating whether to throw caution to the wind and apply for my ideal job anyway. Or to follow the feeling that I've had the past few months that for whatever reason I need to be living in Bristol.

So I'm putting it to the vote . . . Ireland??? Or England??? 


  1. Ummm I have to say stay in England and move into the flat with Grace

  2. Haha 1 vote for the Irish then.

  3. ok let me quote you: 'the decision to move into the flat felt so right, I have no doubt that it is what I'm meant to be doing right now'
    wait did you just write 'no doubt' so why are you debating. I think you've made your decision and have actually voted England already...
    Lets be honest the job would be great but if the Lord wants you somewhere surely that's the place to be?

  4. I can't believe I just got quoted. I'm not debating that, I'm debating to do that flat AND apply for the job. But I think you're right, I think I know my decision, I just needed to sound it out. . . Still need to sound out to my Dad though because he comes up with all sorts of things you never think about.
