Saturday 16 October 2010


So last night I come home from work feeling majorly sorry for myself because the past few days I have been suffering from a pretty nasty cold, which thankfully seems to now be disappearing quite quickly. But last night I was the picture of sickness with a mountain of tissues on my bedside table, red nose, blocked AND runny nose (how is that possible??) and with blocked ears to boot. Well last night one of my friends posted a link on facebook to an article which was about a young married LDS couple. Here is The article

Their story just hit me, here they are, not long married, with a 18 month daughter who has a terrible accident and this couple are just so strong and positive about the whole experience and focus on Christ. Just writing her experiences on her blog, her story about her daughter attracted readers from all over the world and changed so many people's life's, and still there are people reading her blog to see how this couple are coping after the loss of their daughter. 

Intrigued by the article I too logged on to Their blog.  My first thought was WOW!! They appear to be coping so well. It was as I was reading their blog that something she said really stood out to me. 
"As I sit in class and listen to the other girls (I'm an elementary education major, we have very few boys in our major) talk about their care-free lives it makes me think. Last semester that was me. My biggest concern after school was what I was going to make for dinner. As I sit and listen now, many times I envy them. Many of them have no idea what I'm struggling with. Not even my teachers. It's made me think, how many people around me are struggling with major trials and hiding it as well?"
This just hit me . . . I always think what I'm going through is the worst in the world and I envy those with 'easy' lives, but what kind of trials are they hiding?? And I also thought "If the worst thing I am going through is a pretty nasty cold, then my life is pretty darn good right now" It just really made me ponder on the attitude I have with my own life and my own trials, and how I can be better. Better at being more compassionate to others who I know are struggling. And also those who maybe are also struggling. I am making the goal today to have a better attitude to my trials, to remember that there are others in the world who are going through worse things than me, and to be more compassionate and to give more service to those who are struggling with things in their lives. 

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