Friday 29 January 2010

Of not much happening for weeks on end . . .

Oh gosh, so not much has happened over the last couple of weeks that has been particularly notable. 
Sunday 17th January: Bratislava (BTS) Dublin (DUB)
Monday 18th January: Milan Bergamo (BGY)
Wednesday 20th January: Dublin (DUB)
Thursday 21st January: Bratislava (BTS) Dublin (DUB)
                . . . . . . . Well this week of lates was generally uneventful, the most being that I saw a passenger on one of the Dublin flights that I'm pretty sure I know, and I'm pretty sure he knew me. But we were each giving the other the "You look familiar but I can place you out of context" look and I didn't want to ask him just in case he wasn't who I thought he was, and I turn out to look like an utter idiot. I also worked with the same guy (Francesco) every day that week. Insignificant you may say, but this is something that would NEVER happen in Stansted. I marvel at how close Bristol is still, it's so nice walking into the crew room and actually knowing most of the people in it. :D

. . . . . . . Here is the view from my office window on what I do believe was one of the Dublin flights (although to be fair it could of been taken from any one of the flights I did that week. 

So thus starts another week on earlies. After getting like not much sleep Sunday night I have to drag myself up and out of bed to do . . . 
Monday 25th January: Dublin (DUB) Belfast (BHD).
 . . . . I also found out that on this day one of the old Ryanair aircraft that Ethiopian airways was now using, crashed off the Lebanon coast, there were 80 people on board and no survivors have been found. Kinda makes you think really how much we take the safety for granted. Anything could happen all of a sudden really. Still, the chances are really slim and so I carry on flying without too much fear of my life. lol. 

Wednesday 27th January: Tenerife (TFS). Oh Tenerife, I was fully expecting to be delayed/diverted on this flight, but alas, finally I do a Tenerife flight where we actually land on time for one (Hurrah). However, I was quite amused on this flight by the passengers. To be precise, the ones who lost the watch. They were on my flight on Wednesday and wearing what looked like missing watch. Also they very obviously ignored me, turning away and sticking their nose in the air every time I asked them if they wanted anything. It made me chuckle. On the upside there were a few very nice passengers that had also been on my previous Tenerife flight who made the effort to talk to me and see how I was doing. Little things really do make your day. . . . . 
               . . . .  . . . . . For example, I was babysitting Lucas for an hour or so after said TFS flight, and I just asked him "Do you love me Lucas??" To which he replied with the following video . . . (I had to get him to repeat it so I could film it, it was too cute not to share. I can't believe he just came out with this. It really did make my night, he can be so cute at times (and such a rascal at others). 

Thursday saw me being on home standby and found me in the baking mood again (I had made homemade brownies on Tuesday), so whilst I was making cupcakes Lucas was making play dough pancakes. So whilst the cupcakes were in the oven, I went over and make a play dough gingerbread man and women, which we called Kiri and Lucas. I was then in high demand to make a Josh and so forth . . . . Here is our finished product.  So from left to right we have: Mom, Dad, Lucas, Kiri, Jake, Josh, Cheryl, James, and Laura. And we all had to hold hands because we're a family. I think we may make real pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, and when I'm off sometime next week, work on making real gingerbread men and women from scratch. We'll see how home-makey I feel next week. Either way Lucas and me will definitely make another pan of brownies just for Laura. 

After another night of tossing and turning and no sleep . . . . 

Friday 29th January: Alicante (ALC). And finally we come to the end of a week (and a month) and I can't believe how fast time is just flying by (no pun intended). It's crazy to think that I've been back from BYU for 9 months, that I've been actually flying as my job for 6, and that I've already been in BRS for 2. That just seems so crazy to me. How can time be going that fast??? Am I going to blink one day and suddenly be like 50? 

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