Thursday 7 January 2010

Of precious moments, snow fun, and delayed flights!!

Wednesday 6th January: Milan Bergamo (BGY)

So for starters, just something
 that I found so adorable, on Tuesday Lucas enticed me and Laura to play a game of hide and seek with him. He was quite insistent that we 
stop what we were doing in order to play. It was quite adorable really. Here are a couple of pictures of his favorite hiding places. 

Yesterday we woke up to a blanket of snow, Josh and Jake 
woke me up with their shouts of glee of not having to go to
 school . . . and Lucas woke me up wanting my Lucky Charms. As we were struggling to get the car off the drive anyway we got out all our snow gear and walked Lucas to Nursery, whilst
 having some snow fun along the way. It was such a beautiful scene with all the snow, and one I haven't seen
 in England, it was definitely a Provo image in my mind and made me a little bit homesick for BYU. 

So due to all the wonderful snow that we received yesterday, Bristol Airport
was closed until like 3. All the morning flights were cancelled and Easyjet just didn't fly at all. So I wasn't having to report until like 3:20. Just as we're reporting the Knock crew finally take off after 2 hours of de-icing and being in total 3 hours late. Anyways, just as we finish our briefing, we find
 out that Knock have taken our aircraft and there are no spare aircraft until they get back. So we camp out in the crew room with the airport standbys and wait for them to come back with our plane. 
So then we find out that Knock we're diverted to Cork and then had a technical problem and are now not due to land until 7ish. So we continue to wait.
 Then just as they are about to land into Bristol . . . they can't, the runway is too icy and they are diverted to Birmingham. Urg. Frustrating or what. So in the end after more waiting, we find that we are kicking the Dublin crew off their aircraft (Dublin was closed and there was another plane going there anyway), we wait a bit longer for them to get all the passengers off and eventually we get onto a plane. So we board the aircraft and guess what . . . more waiting as the plane is de-iced. We eventually take off about half an hour after we were supposed to be back in Bristol. Luckily, no more problems occur (I don't think I could of taken it) and we eventually land at 2am, meaning that I don't get home until 3:30. What an eventful day. I think the question is "Why do I always get delayed on my Day 5??" 

Oh and just for Nadine, this is on the road on the way to the airport, the picture doesn't do it justice but it was stunning. 

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